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Get the App

Download the DonorDrive Charity Fundraising App to manage your Sleep Out from anywhere.




What can you do on the app? 

1. Create, manage, & share Sleep Out pages on social media
Tell your story and share it with friends, family, and coworkers to help you make an impact.

2. Ask for support and give updates on your Sleep Out
Become a super fundraiser by connecting with Facebook Fundraisers and sharing your custom QR code.

3. Motivate people to support you through milestones and donor incentives
Set up mini-goals on the way to achieve your overall fundraising goal and create fun incentives for donors when they give specific amounts.

4. Track your individual or team fundraising progress
Keep tabs on your fundraising impact and supporters all in one place.

5. Get updates about your fundraising journey and impact on youth overcoming homelessness. 
See recent fundraising activities and hear from Covenant House about how you're making an impact.