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Team Cisco Sleeps Out

Cisco's Sleep Out is a global grassroots effort, made up of nearly 700 employees in 20+ cities around the world. Beyond Sleep Out, Cisco employees have worked with front-line staff at Covenant House to ensure that our shelters are equipped with the technology and resources that young people need to be successful in a virtual world.

With the support of advocates, volunteers, Sleepers, and donors in the Cisco community, young people at Covenant House can sleep safely and dream of bright futures.

join a cisco sleep out in-person:
Anchorage Ft. Lauderdale New Orleans Santa Clara
Atlanta Honduras New York City St. Louis
Boston Houston Oakland/SF Toronto
Chicago Los Angeles Pennsylvania Vancouver
Detroit Newark Research Triangle Park Washington D.C.
    Rocky Mountains  
WITH the international CISCO TEAM:

Join team international

If registration isn't live in your city, email and we'll add you to the team!


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